Often we glance or maybe never look because we don’t expect anything. These expectations can hide nature’s treats as surely as if they were covered with a blanket. Nature provides color, interesting creatures, and other wonders in more places that we imagine.
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- Dewdrops can contain the macrocosm within the microcosm.
- This stand of grass has a nice color and texture. The next photo shows a closer look.
- This shows what happens when you explore with your lens. A macro lens on extension tubes allowed close focusing through the grass, isolating scenes such as this.
- This is not a mushroom or fungus, but rather a flowering plant without chlorophyll. It is parasitic on the root-fungus associations underground. I liked the chevron-shaped formation of this little group.
- It is always worthwhile to examine flowers closely. Many creatures are hidden in plain sight.
- I thought I was photographing quartz in nice light. But did I get a turtle peeking out of a stony shell?
- Here is another scene that looks nice, but unremarkable. The next two images were found by going down to the left and getting in there with a macro lens.
- I was really looking for nice images of the backlit grass. When you get down and up close you find gems like this one.
- The backlighting and shallow depth of field give a nice dreamy feel